Six Guns Wiki
Doctor Rickets
Doctor Rickets in Arizona.
Vital statistics
Title Male
Race Human
Faction Unknown
Health Can't be killed
Level Unknown
Status Alive
Location Fort Malanoche, Arizona

Doctor Rickets is a character set. He is a doctor researching medicine located by a crashed wagon near Fort Malanoche. He asks Buck Crosshaw to collect certain things for him (in the Advanced Medicine quest). Wanted items differ depending on the quest.


  • Dr. Rickets wears an outfit similar to the one that citizens wear.


  • It appears that he got into a bad crash and his friend died, seeing as there is a newly dug grave near him.
  • The player can receive hunting/gathering quests from him.
  • It is suggested during his missions that he may be insane.
  • He seems like an amateur chemist.

